Saturday, June 6, 2009

What is love?

I have receive an email from somebody telling me what is love?...and here's the definition...

Psychiatrist Harry Stack Sullivan says:
"When the satisfaction, happiness, and security of another are as real to you as your own, you truly love that person." This desire to see you satisfied, happy, and secure is more than a feeling. It is more permanent than an emotion. It is an act of my mind and my will. It is my decision (I am going to love you) and my commitment (I will say, do, and be whatever you need for your satisfaction, happiness, and security). In other words, I decide that I am going to love you as I love myself. And I am committed to provide as best I can whatever promotes your true happiness.

If based on this definition to say you are in love then i can confirm that i am not in love with any guys yet...hehehe...


superdupree said...


then when?

S3r3n@ said...

everything is in God's plan...what i have to do is to wait...wait for the time come...hehehe...u also same...when?

superdupree said...

hmmm, i've yet to find mine :)
time will tell. i'm in no hurry