Sunday, September 14, 2008

sigh...i didn't go out,15/9/08, is the moon cake festival!!!! i am sure lake garden have a lot of people playing candles and lantern...a bit sad because i didn't go lake today but yet i had go lake yesterday..although it will not be as crowded as today...anyway i am grateful,at least i can get the chance to go year i must grad the chance to go lake to play lanterns at there because every year i went lake just to have a walk and look around people lighting up next year i must really join together to have fun!!
oh my god...time did really pass very fast...honestly say,i still didn't do revision yet...i have been busy working and then do my homework...thats all...i can't continue like this...i will fail in my exam if like this...die la me this time..."HARDWORKING + DETERMINATION = SUCCESS"...yet i only have hardworking but no determination to it can't end up i have to make myself have the determination to study...serena gambateh!!!!! I KNOW I CAN DO IT!!!!!
11 o'clock at night...i receive my friend,Ong's message,after reading it,i smile...first time i receive a friend's thanks message...she thanks me for my advice to her...the message was sweet,a wonderful thing for my friend...wish her good luck in both exam and human relationship...

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