Thursday, September 17, 2009


First of all i want to ask God, sincerely asking, When will i lead a peaceful life?A life without any obstacles?...pray hard to God for answer...
i do agree about a statement stated "God hid our biggest rewards behind the highest barriers - our deepest fears. God wants us to face our fears, and hold ground in their presence, and let them go, and that's how we get out biggest rewards.
I understand this statement but there are a lot of doubt in my mind...
Why i have to face so many difficulties?
Why couldn't i lead a peaceful and enjoyable life like some of my friends?
Why i have to work part time to earn a living?
Why i can't get a good result in my exam?
Why i can't remember anything that i study?
There are still a lot of the question "Why" in my mind...
i know and i believe that everything is in God's plan...sigh...kind of tired...tired of living in this world...sigh...God have plans so many obstacles to me that i can't hardly be able to bear it anymore...i know that every obstacle given will have a solution, this is what God's plan, HE want me to look for the solution, be able to solve any problems, and learn to be independent...this is how i always console myself...God, U can't expect me to face so many obstacles which happens after another...i am just a lady, i need a shoulder to count on too...i need a shoulder for me to cry out as much as i want...since i heard my mum saying "sigh, so damn tired...sigh...what's the point of living in this world? i can't even buy anything that i salary all gone for the house...sigh...everyday come back from work, have to do housework some more?i can't even find some time to relax, to do something that i like, to enjoy life?"i was just dumb folded figuring out what shall i say...anyway i end up just keep quiet and continue reading books...after that i do keep thinking of this and started asking myself too...what i can say is "tomorrow will be better"...hahaha...always trying to think positive and that's all i can do...

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