Thursday, August 27, 2015

Who am I? What I want?

This is the most frequent questions I have been asking myself for the past 3 days.

Who Am I?
Have you ever ask yourself this question?
Do you get an answer?
I do occasionally ask myself, who am I?
I always could not answered this question.
It seem like a simple question with a simple answer but that is not the answer I am looking for.
I am still searching and I will never give up in finding the answer.

What I want?
Sometimes I thought I had found out what I want,
but soon you realize that is not what you really want.
So you have to search back again but that takes a lot more effort which is why there are also people who refuse to search it and prefer to just go with it.
I start to re-think my decision on my current situation.
I had my goals but I always in doubt.

Life is a journey of self discovery.

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