Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A New Life....

After knowing my STPM result, a new life start to begin...of course i can confirm that i am not going to private universities...my only way to continue study is get to enter local university...i have make up my mind...i have chose what courses and which university i want...i just doubt to place which courses is the priority...i doubt..i don't know which courses i should place it as my first choice then second choice and so on...to me what i have chose seem to be equal...i keep this in mind "serena, the decision u made shall be the correct way to your future.You should not regret it one day.Believe in your decision.God is always by your side to guide you and lead you."...honestly say i do scare that i might end up jobless in future...hahaha but this might not happen too...we don't know what our future are going to be...

i do feel excited to enter uni life...
Why? The reasons are...
1.i can get to learn new things.
2.i can get to meet new friends.
3.i can learn to be independent.

anyway i do feel sad because...
1.i have to leave my home sweet home for a period of time.
2.i will miss my family.
3.i will miss my old friends.
4.i will miss the memories i spent with all my friends and family.
5.i will miss my mum's cooking.

Hopefully the new environment suits me...as i am taking those courses involved with ecologist and biodiversity or plants, so i guess my environment will be mostly greenery...hahahaha...green means peace of mind...^_^ ...its about 4 months more and i am going to enter uni...so now i should grad every chance to go out gathering with my friends...of course there are also time for my family too...hahahaha...i know when i enter uni, i should focus on my study more than anything else...i want to be the best among the best...at least with this aim, i can guarantee for my future...^_^...all the best to my friends...may God bless us...^_^

1 comment:

Jun said...

great spirit! =)
all the best my dearest fren.. come kl study.. dont go sabah.. very far from family and frens.. hehehehe